Understanding Phase Shift Keying (PSK) in Amateur Radio

What does the abbreviation “PSK” mean?

Pulse Shift Keying

This answer is incorrect because Pulse Shift Keying refers to a different modulation technique, possibly Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), and is not the standard term used for PSK.

Phase Shift Keying

This answer is correct as Phase Shift Keying is the standard and correct meaning of the abbreviation PSK, used extensively in digital communication.

Packet Short Keying

This answer is incorrect because Packet Short Keying is not a real modulation technique in digital communications and does not apply to the abbreviation PSK.

Phased Slide Keying

This answer is incorrect because Phased Slide Keying is not a recognized term or modulation technique in digital communication or amateur radio, making it inapplicable to PSK.


The abbreviation ‘PSK’ stands for Phase Shift Keying, which is a modulation technique widely used in digital communication, including amateur radio operations. PSK works by changing, or modulating, the phase of a reference signal (the carrier wave) to convey data. It’s particularly popular in digital amateur radio modes such as PSK31, because it is efficient and can be used to transmit data over radio frequencies with minimal bandwidth consumption. Phase Shift Keying is important in amateur radio as it is robust against noise and can be used in low-power transmissions to send information reliably over long distances. Understanding PSK helps amateur radio operators make informed decisions about which modes to use based on operational conditions and equipment capabilities.

T8D06 2022-2026

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