Lee de Forest: The Father of the Electronic Age

Lee De Forest with Audion tubes. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lee_De_Forest_with_Audion_tubes.jpg

Introduction Born in 1873 in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Lee de Forest was an American inventor who is best known for his invention of the Audion tube, the first practical electronic amplifier. His work laid the groundwork for the development of all electronic media. Throughout his career, de Forest patented over 300 inventions, with the Audion … Read more

Edwin Howard Armstrong: The Unsung Hero of Radio’s Golden Age

American electrical engineer and inventor Edwin H. Armstrong in 1922.

Introduction In the annals of radio history, few names shine as brightly as Edwin Howard Armstrong. A visionary inventor and tenacious innovator, Armstrong’s contributions to the field of radio technology are nothing short of revolutionary. From his early days as a curious student at Columbia University to his groundbreaking inventions that shaped the course of … Read more

The Role of the Transistor in Amateur Radio

Various transistor packages

Introduction The invention of the transistor in 1947 marked a turning point in the history of electronics. This tiny semiconductor device, capable of amplifying and switching electronic signals, revolutionized the world of electronics, paving the way for smaller, more efficient, and more reliable equipment. In the realm of amateur radio, the transition from vacuum tubes … Read more

The Physics of Morse Code: Efficiency in Simplicity


Introduction Morse code, a method of encoding text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, has remained a resilient and efficient mode of communication. It’s particularly revered in the world of amateur radio, where it serves not just as a bridge to the past but as a testament to … Read more

Guglielmo Marconi (1895) – The Father of Long-Distance Radio Transmission

Marconi and his wireless apparatus 1897

In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi achieved a feat that would forever change the way humanity communicates: he developed the first practical system for long-distance radio signaling. Marconi’s pioneering work demonstrated that information could be transmitted over vast distances without wires, using electromagnetic waves. This groundbreaking invention not only laid the foundational principles for modern radio technology … Read more

The Ionosphere and Its Effect on Long-Distance Communication

File:ISS065-E-292654 - View of Earth.jpg

The ionosphere is an important part of the mechanism of long-distance radio communication, acting as both a facilitator and a barrier for signals traversing the globe. This layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, charged with ions and free electrons, interacts with radio waves in ways that can extend or limit their journey across distances. Understanding the … Read more