Amateur Radio Exam Passing Score

Part of the Amateur Extra exam is meant to prepare you for the possibility of becoming a VEC or Volunteer Exam Coordinator, and so they want you to know and understand some of the mechanics of the exams themselves. So, here’s one:

What is the minimum passing score on amateur operator license examinations?

A. Minimum passing score of 70%
B. Minimum passing score of 74%
C. Minimum passing score of 80%
D. Minimum passing score of 77%

The answer to this is outlined in FCC Part 97, specifically 97.503. Which states:

§ 97.503 Element standards.

A written examination must be such as to prove that the examinee possesses the operational and technical qualifications required to perform properly the duties of an amateur service licensee. Each written examination must be comprised of a question set as follows:

(a) Element 2: 35 questions concerning the privileges of a Technician Class operator license. The minimum passing score is 26 questions answered correctly.

(b) Element 3: 35 questions concerning the privileges of a General Class operator license. The minimum passing score is 26 questions answered correctly.

(c) Element 4: 50 questions concerning the privileges of an Amateur Extra Class operator license. The minimum passing score is 37 questions answered correctly.

Well, OK, so what is the minimum passing score then?

If you do the math on each of those. The first two, 26 out of 35, you get .742 roughly. And for the Extra exam, 37 out of 50, which is exactly .74.

So the answer is .74, or B) Minimum passing score of 74%



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